Password Idea
December 14, 2021 2021-12-14 8:05Password Idea

Password Idea
The above idea has been flashing on FB for a long time now. I have some views and concern over this and would like to share it.
We usually give such ideas to kids who are young and who do not have the maturity to handle themselves in situations like these. Our tone and body language will transmit the importance and seriousness of the subject. We will also ensure that the child understood that it’s a secret between parents and no one should know about this.
Have we thought, when something like this is discussed with a child of such young age, he/she could very well can go and disclose it to his/her best friend? Kids get very excited with such ‘secrets’ and tend to share it ahead. They do not see a threat in the ‘best friend’. BUT we don’t know who is listening.
I would suggest we should teach our children that it is important that THEY (not anyone else) should CALL US at any given situation, time or place to check if we have sent someone to fetch them. Everyone is ready to help a child. The child can find a mobile phone anywhere. Hence, it’s also important for a child to know the mobile numbers of their parents by heart.
When kids call us, we know what’s happening there and can advise them what to do and also the kids will know what the real scenario is like.