Child caught watching porn
June 16, 2020 2021-12-14 7:44Child caught watching porn

Child caught watching porn
With the technology at the fingertips it is obvious that your son / daughter will watch porn intentionally or unintentionally. Either while browsing for his project or by a recommendation from a friend, he will watch porn sooner or later. Your reaction will determine your future relationship with your child.
- Calm down.
- Your body language is of utmost importance here. Stay calm in your head while it’s racing to decide what to speak to him.
- Ask him what he is watching. “Hey buddy, what are you watching?”
- He will abruptly close what he is watching and will be very scared of you right now. Ask him to relax. “Relax, I am not mad. But I do need to talk to you. Hope we both can understand each other better once we speak.”
- Sit with your child at their level. If he is in the chair, sit next to him; if on bed, sit there with him. But do not stand and talk while he is sitting.
- Know where he has learnt to watch porn. Is it friends, siblings or accidentally he was introduced.
- Tell him you understand his curiosity at his age.
- Educate him on what pornography is.
- Empower him to make a healthy choice.
- Do not shout.
- Do not label him.
- Do not make him feel guilty of what he has done.
Kids are curious and because we don’t give answers to their curiosity they look for answers outside. Usage of technology also should be monitored. Only education and empowerment will help the kids make a healthy choice in their lives.